Monday, March 2, 2009

Hong Kong Trip Post 2

I should have known better than to use a platform like a blog to help me fight jet lag last night. When Tim called me at work to point out my typos and spelling errors (or as he described it “spelling like a toddler on cold medicine”) I was mortified (sorry mom!!). Oh well…
Caffeine; the most abused stimulant in American and so very helpful when trying to get through the first day back at work. Gotta love coffee (sorry Bri—I cheated on the detox. That can start next week!)
So back to Thailand Day 2! There were three basic elements to this day. Eating, Relaxing, Swimming. Put those three in any order, rinse and repeat. Throw in some terrific fruity drinks (only at the beach can a grown man get away with a beverage containing a pastel colored umbrella) and massages and you have life in paradise. Sabrina had a special encounter with a tiny jelly fish, but like the trooper she is – she laughed it off. And as the true friends we are – we laughed AT her. Speaking of laughable-- white hand prints seemed to multiply on my body as my sporadic sunscreen application met day two of the harsh sun.
All the above is the perfect recipe for great conversations and catching up with the very best of friends.

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